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Thursday, June 18, 2009

haha okay i totally forgot how to blog but aah whatever people keep bugging me..

haha okay i was pretty productive this holiday.haha i managed to finish watching all the movies (that arent NC16) except terminator cos i think its a pointless show haha.uh pretty much forgot what i did during the hols but had a bbq on tuesday:D haha wanted to go cycling but ting and i went waay too late so no time haha was really fun but was being really lazy..haha cos ting rach and i didnt do anything ><>

hmm everyone seems to be running during the holidays and so i think i should too!hahah:D okay im bored of typing already so bye im going to eat my chicken chop byee

♥Bid Farewell

Saturday, February 21, 2009

ahahah. last day of electric guitar classes and im not feeling nostalgic or anything! :D ah i barely learnt anything from there anyway since they teach so slowww. ive been playing my guitar more and more now and i like it! but i know its jsut an excuse to not do my work. ah which brings me to the part where everyone is so hardworking and already studying like crazy and im still... NOT doing it. haha.

plus its so weird when everyone around you is close to cracking and everything just keeps getting so emotional. haha. makes me worried that i'll be next though i highly doubt it. but still its scary and awkward when people start crying. sec3 is kinda hard and some stuff seem to get less and less fun. sadly. strange enough im slowly starting to SLIGHTLY enjoy school a little. i guess its mainly friends and what nots cos im not enjoying lessons.

hmm ohyeah took one hour just to get from school to ps cos cheryl and i were stuck at the bus stop and it was raining so much rawr. haha jaslyn and sis had to wait 30min at fareast too :D then on the mrt i have super awesome wonder senses cos i managed to wake up exactly at my stop(: i know lots of ppl can do that but its a big deal to me!! haha ;P

my parents got their new bed. its super comfy super bouncy super big. HAHA. but its kinda annoying cos i keep falling asleep either on their bed or the recliner and never get anything done. so i keep wasting time sleeping. and i dont know why! i constantly feel sleeping but i sleep a lot alreadyxD AHAH ohwell.

♥Bid Farewell

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

studied at starbucks for 4+ hours till about 8+. sat near this sleeping guy, this annoying lovey dovey couple and a totally stressed out sarah. haha. then we went to bk and ate before going home. i still think im totally unprepared but nvm i'll pray about it:D math sucks or at least i suck at it. haha.

ah so much i wanna yell out but lets just say STRONG KID((((((((((((:

♥Bid Farewell

Sunday, February 15, 2009

yay so today huimin came to church this morning. then she went off and my parents, bro and i went to eat. my parents were so disappointed they didnt get to chat with her >< haha swapped my spoilt earpiece for one that worked. haha(: rushed to guitar, teacher FINALLY found out we were quitting and seemed so sad even though many other ppl leaving too. haha not like we were very good or something. we were always sms-ing and drinking soft drinks in the 'studio" ahah.

met nick, kelvin, yx and kh outside cinema but the show was too long so i bought ernest's present and we went to starbucks to wait for rain but the starbucks closed. haha. so we talked and made a lot of noise before the 30+ min late rain showed up and we went to my house. "watched" ipman cd (while playing itouch, doing weights and talking and laughing). haha had an awesome foursome with rain, kh and nick. cos we were squished on the bed. then ernest and sarah showed up and we played truth or dare and would you rather while waiting for the controllers to charge cos i TOTALLY forgot. then we realized taht after waiting for 2h, nick switched off the power so it wasnt even charging. on the power, charged while we ate then played gh. rain and yx started doing math hw, kh studied and sarah was on the phone for like 4h?! haha. then we slowly went home. but it was fun. anyhow kelvin and ernest promised to tutor me on wednesdays next time cos well they're smarter than me? haha.

got cute slippers, a globe, a HUGE heavy cookie tins without cookies inside and im sorry i cant remember cos well i have bad memory. yeah. i think i went through like 2 packets of soft drinks >< lots of sugar rawr.

bothered zhiwen with reading my sms-es and helping me sms cos im a bothersome person. haha. and shes helping me charge! yay. haha.

got guitar and om tmr morning so i will rush and try to make it for both:D

nothing left to post so... thats it.

♥Bid Farewell

Thursday, February 12, 2009

haha lets see om meeting on wednesday haha was so stupid. i cut this hole through this cardboard and daphne was like: jump through jump through so i did! then she raised it and i did again! haha but i could have sworn i got bruises cos the floor was too hard to really roll on so i kinda crashed into it. haha.

passed assessment. not with flying colours or anything but passed enough:D struggling with sciences cos i dont get how to explain anything. my fail is barely passing and my gonghan stinks. arghhh all tested soon so i better improve or fail ><

i keep feeling so sleepy even though i dont really sleep that late yet. haha.

i was so sure i had somethig to type just now but i just totally forgot. ah nvm.

♥Bid Farewell

Sunday, February 8, 2009

YAY ipod nano 8gb for my birthday! hahaha. woohoo finally?

ate at some jap place today. bought ipman cos my brother absolutely loves it. dad bought a new camera. and ohman i was going to say more but i forgot and im running out of time. OHYEAH new glasses but i honestly dont really know what they look like cos i let my mum and bro pick it. hahaha. oh lots of headaches and i dont know why. waiting for my drum set to come back cos my brother's friend chipped off some bit when she smacked it too hard. yeah thats it.


♥Bid Farewell

Saturday, February 7, 2009

HAHA i love grapes. i like them purple but i dont mind green. they must be seedless. haha. heres why i like them:

1. they're tiny and cute
2. they're sweet.
3. i dont have to peel it

clearly you can tell im nuts ><

♥Bid Farewell


fourteen; 10021994

break down

bed monsters

Yes, my friends are all imaginary.
;rachel liu
;rachel lim
;ting fang
;vanessa tey
;yoon jung

monster talk



1 2 3


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July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
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December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
June 2009