Monday, October 29, 2007 tmr. mum bug me again. her transcript sucks. waste of time. 15 bucks is too little. more tmr. byebye
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, October 24, 2007 merit cca thng was FUN! we did the water rocket where rachel was REALLY smart. ((: and i came up with crazy ideas. :D then we did pyramid, taboo and charades. taboo was SOOO cool. my word was meiji but i couldnt say the words "japan, milk, yoghurt" so i pointed to tiff and was like: the thing you always buy thats $1 and i always say wow so healthy. and she guessed it! haha. the charades mine was mayonnaise maggots. they got maggots fast but i didnt know what to do for mayonnaise so i attempted salad. but when sheryl got to dressing, instead of types of dressing she went: PANTS, SKIRT, BLOUSE, DRESS. haha. but seriously MAYONNAISE?!stayed back. did the acp stall. our class' one is the NICEST. haha. REALLY. its REALLY pretty and all. but we sort of passed the time limit. cos the banner kept falling. so the teacher said to get 2 sticks. so i got the green bamboo one. then when we were all thinking of the OTHER stick. i suddenly strangely remembered the supermop which i broke last time. haha :P so see? breaking things HELPS. but our banner is really low. so customers have to bend down. haha. props. FUNN. haha we talked sick and laughed over sick stuff. haha. funnnnnyyyy. then we played concentration by changing names. then change to teacher's names. stef was mo and i was ro. so funny. haha. confusing xDsorry for the short post but im not in the mood. sorry. i just feel really upset, angry, sad, furious at the same time.bye.
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, October 22, 2007 was quite fun. NO lessons. NO teachers. so cool. so free. so ahem illegal? everyone has GOT to love wasabi peas. [and i'm the pro throw-and-catch person. just you guys wait. after i get used to it. i will show you my skills which i lost due to my rusty-ness.] which my father ate up. he owes me $1.40. i dont care even if its "only" $1.40. i'm already broke. not going to go around giving free peas..had the rehersal thing. where i kept ahem flirting? with alisa. well it was fun. dont blame me. blame her :P then sheryl learnt to catwalk and alisa is PRO at catwalking. wonder how she learnt it... [hinthint] props are NICE and REALLY nice. good job everyone, i know we were disorganized but when we look back its going to be really fun. why be all robotic and guai when you can be naughty, shouted at, rebellious, finish work and then have many memories! haha. finally remembered the chocolate today. haha. finally gave them. xD used the word juxtapose [thanks esther] in a sentence. and i THINk i used it correctly. ((: proud of myself. haha.our class got really emo today. then i got mad. heh. went out of class. thanks you-know-who for coming out to talk to me. i know i sort of blew you off and i'm sorry. i REALLY appreciate you doing that. i guess i wasnt thinking. heart over head again. you're a good friend. it really meant A LOT. even if you werent aware. sorry again for blowing you off. if i had spent a SECOND to think i would never have done that. and i really mean it.had to pick angel, mortal thing okay. and i got someone. haha. only 1 person knows who. muahaha. what should i write? i cant write or she will know my handwriting. i THINK. dont risk huh... and i'm supposed to have "chemistry" with alisa. am i the only person who doesnt see it that clearly? and that hooking alisa's arm while she was catwalking? IMPULSE i did not plan it. so dont for one second think i wanted to do that all along. *glare*erm well. i'm sleepy. going to cube myself to sleep so i can prac and sleep at the same time. haha. i sound REALLY nerd but i AM NOT. oh btw. thanks ****** **** for thinking of me? you should know what i am talking about. if you dont never mind. well i am just grateful but i cant phrase it so can you just try interpret it into something nice! (((((((((((:night everyone. sweet dreams. [dont mistake your pillow for a marshmellow!]organized isnt my thing.
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, October 16, 2007 i made jellies. i think they gave me food poisoning. haha. they were too watery and the mango tasted... WEIRD. but i finished them.. ((:my bro is REALLY nice. especially today. he knew my puddings were HORRIBLE and complained la. but he actually ate a lot of them! then he gave me his first actual compliment! haha. then he told me quite a bit of stuff, as compared to what he would usually say. then we watched like 3 movies together. haha. and we didnt fight. xDlucky no more dreams last night. i slept like a pig but woke up early kay! as compared to normal holiday days. haha. plus the fact i slept pretty late last night. too bad tmr has sch and SPA[s] (haha) and collecting of papers. spoil the day.ah. gtg. mummy bugging. again.byebye.
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, October 14, 2007
hellomy interesting dream:i was hanging out with my friends and then we somehow found ourselves in a room. it was surrounded by walls so we were trapped. i was busy banging against the flimsy walls to escape but to no avail. suddenly my guy friend hooked ahns with 2 girl friends and he told me to look at the bottle on the wall. but i couldnt see anything. so he was like "watch me". then they ran and jumped off and broke the wall. so i linked hands with the person beside me who was HUIFEI. [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] then we both ran and jumped. but i happened to be 2 people at the same time. i was on the platform and was jumping at the same time. so as soon as i jumped, the platform me realized something. NO PARACHUTE! the jumping me was going to die! but the next pair took the last parachute. the suddenly huifei started flapping. like a bird. all the way to the platform. so i was like how did you do that?" and she gave me some scientific, mathematical answer about how the speed and the pressure can allow her to go upwards while the platform went down faster. then we got on the platform and got the emergency parachute and jumped off again! then i transported to be walking down a corridor. and my pastor walked up and started talking to me. then he was telling me of his lunch plans and i was following him until i was on stage, in front of the mike like ready to sing kind.. then i started explaing my family had gone for another church's service that morning and we were not going for that service. haha. then my mum woke me up. HAHA.admit ba. its funny. and parachute down.. FUNNN.byebye. night.sweet dreams. everyone.
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, October 12, 2007
hello. today i can FINALLY use my damn cool new computer! yea. BIG screen but too bright. it makes cool sounds too! ((: and its super fast. at least i THINK i can use it. but my father isnt around so what does it matter? haha1pm.. dreadful time. i have to go out to some baby party to babies i dont even know! i want to be a nerd and stay home the whole day. why cant i? haha. so boring. stupid party. i mean come on! a party for a baby who doesnt know it is even happening. what a waste of time... i mean after my mum wasted my 30min! argh. i guess i've been rather irritable recently huh. ((:so... how wants to go out on tuesday? i'm free! haha. [and bored.] and 2 lucky people are getting chocolate bars on wednesday. lucky arent they? suspense.... heheheheh. okay. going to play games byebye.everything i'm doing is to make things easier for you. so just chill okay?
♥Bid Farewell
Thursday, October 11, 2007
ahlian alisa. waiting for her kopi.
pretty pretty jinghui! in a skirt. thats the look when she is going to kill me(:
huimin the magician.her trick is to pull her ears off.
huimin hades, queen of the underworld.or at least she stole his fork. now his steak is cold.
a cup of goo. enjoy!
♥Bid Farewell
hello. finally posting so that YOU-KNOW-WHO will stop bugging me exams were hard. my brain like died. haha. but it recovered during the movie UNDERDOG. haha "do not worry! underdog is furry!" and "is that a plane? is that a bird? is that a frog? NO is UNDERDOG" haha. funner quotes from the show. the dog was cute. haha. really! but the dog that it liked wasnt as cute. haha. so we all decided to be illegal and we bought lots of stuff from fairprice then in the lift, we like stuff them into our bags and suspiciously walked in with puffy bags. all except claw. her bag was like so normal. haha. then i finished my drink within like 10-20min of the show. but jinghui didnt even finish it after that! i met my bro there before that... so stupid. he is such a liar! moping my ***. i felt like asking everyone i knew there to jump on him and KILL him. luckily teacher was nice today. haha. because i helped her pass the levels in her ratatouille game which she got stuck in. my bro and i always help her pass the levels. ((: then my father was super cool la. i went into his study room during his telephone conference cos i wanted to get something. and he was playing sudoku while on the phone! haha. so he was just like ya. ya. mm. mmhmm. HAHA. and occasional laughter. XDokay i'm out of stuff leh. haha. my exam days havent been FRUITful. hahaha. nah i had grapes! *drumbeat* *cricket* byebye.
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, October 7, 2007
hey.. supposed to be studying. but i decided not to? hahasomething that keeps bothering me...dont you feel that everytime something goes oh-so-wrong and you feel just so sad and down. there are always some people who are there for you? and its always the same awesome people. even though they dont always SAY much but just one concerned look makes you feel much better... its like just those people's presence that can almost make you forget everything and just get over it. yet.. when it is someone else feeling down, you are dying to go and comfort and help the person but the words dont come out. you dont know what to say. you dont know what to do and you just feel like a fool. its like everything you do can never match what he/she did for you. haha. i sometimes i even just blame myself for being so hopeless. but you or at least I cant help it can i? haha. then sometimes you do a lot of stuff for your friends.. but after that you question yourself: is it worth it? am i placing far too much priority on friends? its weird. that you can have so many strong friendships yet not understand so much about them at the same time...okay so those are my thoughts for today and for the rest of my life! haha. [kidding((:]gtg. dumb explorers.. you HAD to want to explore???bye. :P
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, October 5, 2007
its over. both of us can never be together... i always tried to believe that it would work out but it didnt. i really like you but dont you think its too fast? i mean i'm still young and have a long way to go so why make it harder than it already is? i tried really hard but still look how it turned out? i guess only time can tell whether we are meant to be...i wonder what you are thinking... haha. still wondering. you're still thinking? HA. loser. XD i'm talking about we finished geog today and it was pretty hard kay. i think i just crapped everything up. argh.okay so i want to slack but my mum wants me to work hard. i know i should but its hard to be disciplined you know. and thats why i'm doing this. haha. wasting time.. eww. haha. today my mum decided to bring me to Hans to eat! haha. then we went grocery shopping...)): haha. but my mum keeps feeling guilty that she "neglects" us by leaving us alone so often at home that she wanted to treat me ice cream but she didnt have enough coins! so after that when we returned the trolley we had la but then i decided to be nice and said no. [i was just lazy to walk back upstairs for it] so here i am. slacking doing nothing and breathing and wanting to drink but again. too lazy. ((: you've GOT to love being me. haha.bro no sch so he went study group. YEAH RIGHT! he is prob playing or doing some crap again. haha. i mean i would do that too! haha. but hard to believe he is studying cos i mean he is those cool cool kind that dont study and dont care. not nerd nerd that study all the time. haha. lucky he's my bro.. at least he isnt weird. xDoh did i tell you that half the people in my msn contact list have the words: countdown, 6 days, stress or mugging.. haha. so predictable.. all exams times are like that. some people had the words stress and mugging a week before exams started. !!! can believe not? haha. so at least they're hardworking huh. i but by wed everyone but me slack liao. smarty pants dont need study math.. grr.rightt so i'm bored now? and one more thing: A + BQ forever! haha. you better thank me A for giving you the blessings. haha. you're going to kick me and kill me arent you? dont worry. ever since tiff koh threatened to kill me, i've aleady my insurance. hehe. you must be wondering why people always want to kill me? its cos they're jealous. dont listen to what they say. they're just JEALOUS. remember kay? dont forget. alright. i'm go now. going to "study". bye.
♥Bid Farewell