Friday, September 28, 2007
have i ever told anyone that i really really really love ****** ****?? haha. random? NOT.shes really awesome. everytime something happens, i 100% count on that fact that she will be there for me. i may not appear to be close to her but i think she understands me better than a lot of my other friends. somehow under ANY circumstances, she can make me feel comforted. i mean sure a LOT of other friends do that but its different with her. she actually really cares a lot. and shes consistently like that. despite the fact that i get emo pretty easily around her, she doesnt dao me. haha. so maybe i try my best to do the same for her but i know that shes does so much more for me than i ever can for her. shes friggin' awesome and i'm darn lucky to have her as my really good i'm not writing this to please her or anything. i really mean it. every single word. and sorry i didnt mention your name. just i dont want people to link here and there and you know.. since i know you'll read this eventually...thanks a lot for being there for me okay? i know i've been very troubled due to those you-know-what problems and thanks for helping me. haha. somemore make so much sense leh! haha. i guess what you say is mostly all correct just sometimes hard to believe under those circumstances. ((: once again thanks so much kay?no, other people. its not that i dont appreciate you. its just different okay? hahabut for those others who have cared for me so much these times thanks too kay! haha. you guys really helped a lot and encouraged me a lot even though sometimes your actions aren that obvious. well they mean a lot. ((:
♥Bid Farewell
hello. so i've been meaning to post for a long time but i always could not bring myself to do so. haha.monday...was on my way home and met this really nice guy. we were waiting at the traffic light and just started talking.. haha.wednesday!haha. that day i THINK i went a little crazy. haha. so i did this really cool magic trick. (rightt.) i took anni's colourful pen's and i made them change colour! (((: am i the pro or what. [suggested that you dont ask anni, xyn yee OR grace about what i did.]then i started these story telling stuff just cos i was bored and mad. let me tell you roughly the 3 stories.1. There was a girl named Anne who was too hardworking. One day, her table mate Race, had an asthma attack but forgot her inhaler. Now Anne had an inhaler but she was so engrossed in her work that Race died.2. There was a crab called puRple and a lobster called Orange. (caps represents emphasis) so puRple suggested that the two of them went to the movies [friends ONLY.] and Orange agreed. so they watched a show called "attack of the naked beach apes". and puRple and Orange were very sympathetic and were emotionally affected by the fact that the naked beach apes aka humans could not afford shells to cover up their bodies with. so they started a fund called the naked beach apes fund. they gathered A LOT of cowrie shells for the humans. the two of them dragged the cowrie shells onto the beach and met with a girl. now then the cowrie shells were a form of currency for them and the girl was delighted to see so much money! so she accepted the shells but like all other humans, she was an ungrateful bugger. she cunningly told them that she would like them to have a "spa". so she put them into a crab tank in a restaurant and had them for dinner!3. There was a girl called Suzanni who was dating a guy called Jason and she met Ouivei and started dating him too. she was cheating on Jason! so one day she told Jason to meet her at the premiere on the 15th of Nov and asked Ouivei to meet her at the premiere on the 50th of Nov. so naturally, they both went on the 15th and found out about her scandal.. then it went on about Jason cheating on Suzanni and i forgot the rest. haha.after that i went to the toilet and when i went back to class, my ears were FREEZING. i mean like ice-cold freezing. haha. okay so after that, all the 3rd lang people left for exam and left very few of us and huanglaoshi let us do anything so we [by which i mean i] went insane. i used huifei's markers to start proposing like siao. haha. and i cheated on my darling husband by getting married to another person as well. haha. today went to plaza sing and guess what? the cubes come again the end of NEXT month. wth. just like a few days before school ends. haha. but chris and i went to eat something pretty spicy. at least i drank 3 glasses of water! haha. i think i cant take spicy that well anymore! ohno. haha. then we went around and decided to get stuff for kimberly. haha. our ideas are VERy interesting. and i was supposed to buy ahem someone's gift too. but chris had to leave and i STILL dont have any idea what to get. darn it. need to get by the weekend! thats called pressure.tmr going for study group with tf and gang. haha. i'm going to do math and chem and eng and lit and chi and wait. just everything okay/ haha. they're going to help alright! i dont care! haha. i'm desperately trying to do well here. so i hope that we all have the discipline tmr. haha. must learn math properly. i mean i barely understand the topic now. so frustrating. pissed. really. BIG time.oh and to you-know-who-you-are, stop being so emo and tired kay! try to sleep more during the weekends and dont worry so much. be like me and try have more discipline. haha. something almost impossible to accomplish. oh and dont forget. if you get a new laptop... GIVE ME OLD ONE. haha. i chope first! anw just dont be so ____ okay? haha. [blank means even i dont know what to say.] its frustrating when you want to help but dont know how! haha. i told you that before didnt i... alright. have to go bathe. i was erm.. lets just say i'm filthy. bye and night.
♥Bid Farewell
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
claire's first rule at fast food restaurants. HYGIENE FIRST: tidy your trays...
rachel's hands moving at godspeed! [she was just randomly turning the cube to look fast in the picture(:]
attack of the gloves???
claire finally stopped ducking. her hair looks fluffy! :D
claw's emo look??
laoshi's weird pose...
awww. claire decided to buckle her seat belt. [!!!]
hmm. sat was fun. found weird stuff. i found belt, cap, 4 footwear, syringe, glove and a HUGE chunk of rope (((: then grace tan spotted a CLOTHES LINE and she didnt want to pick it up so i went to pick it and claimed it for my group! xD i was actually hoping to find like a shirt or something. add to the collection of what-people-can-wear stuff. haha. after that went to eat at BK. then walked around for a LOOOOOOOONG time. then had to go home myself. ))):
okay so this week was. boring and busy. haha. means its the usual. ((: handed in chem pt today. yay. i have nothing to say leh. my life is boring. haha.
gtg. mummy wants me to do work. sigh. bye!
♥Bid Farewell
Friday, September 14, 2007
white and blue guy! white guy has lost 1 arm. but i'm not throwing it. it has A LOT of sentimental value. and that is NOT lame...
white and blue guy again! blue guy was bought to pei2 white guy((:
hey look! they're talking! [candid shot?]
made by my auntie! so nice right. its actually quite detailed.
my free thumbdrive that has almost no memory... -.-
nice right? auntie made again! gave me 2. this one is REALLY nice and detailed. she should be paid! haha.
a top toy thing that i bought a long time ago. but recently got re-fascinated by it :D
my stress ball! i LOVE throwing it against the wall while chatting. cos its fun!
my tiny rubik cube that my father MESSED UP. sigh. now i have to redo it)):
my bro's cap which looks shiny. [like aluminium foil.]
my brother's metallic toy that is really cool.
my brother's notebook that i initially wanted to buy... haha. in case you cant read it: Love conquers all, Chocolate does the rest XD
this one is MINE. haha. so its plain but it looks nicer in real life:P
a lot of pictures right? i was supposed to post a looooooong time ago. haha. but ohwell. i'm lazy so you better get used to that!
i realized i rock at music memes cos i know the start of many songs. cos i like listen to most songs but dont finish them. -.- so i hear the front parts too often. haha.
tmr is beach cleanup. since no ones has tongs, i guess i have to bring. could see my mum's reluctance. sorry mummy [though she will NEVER read this.] i hope it'll be fun! and that i dont find anything i that i dont want to... *shiver*
today i accidentally drew on jinni's shirt's sleeve with whiteboard marker and it wouldnt be washed off. SORRY JINNI! but it was really an accident. i'm so scared her mum scolds her... SORRYY!
today. stay back. i did a lot of acp stuff. yay me cos i'm hardworking and nice. haha. i glued super fast and after they left i finished and i started trimming them. haha. it was quite nice. i THINK. heh. dont blame kay. i was trying to help.
then today. i was talking with you-know-who. and we had another discussion. haha. quite interesting:P and DUH i'm not telling you what we said. hhaa.
i want to do something. what should i do? hmm. i'm bored. tired. boredly tired. yay. its weird. haha. i shall go sleep. yay. solved problem. XD bye! night. [let the bed bugs bite!]
i realize that despite all the stupid problems i face and i complain about, they have actually helped me quite a bit. haha. i mean i'm know "how" to "handle" these stuff now so i guess next year onwards i'll be prepared for anything! haha. this whole time i found out about wrong assumptions, possibly wrong thinkings/ideas and MANY misunderstandings. because of all thoses, i've many people that i've grown to trust quite a lot. so maybe they dont know but i really do. haha.
and i dont get the assumptions from others that i'm very irresponsible. i mean i'm only irresponsible when it comes to myself. but i'm not THAT irresponsible when it comes to others. haha. i think i wont be emo today. i dont feel emo today. haha. yay!
♥Bid Farewell
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
hello.haha yay. my thumb doesnt hurt THAT much anymore. but i cant press it. haha. if not it'll still hurt(:guitar... rachel kept calling her guitar a curvaceous piece of wood... sounds like she LOVES her guitar. too much. haha. homework. okay la. not tooo much or too little. haha. average day. but i came back late today. neighbour came late, pump patrol. by the time finish was so late. ate dinner, then bathe then waste so much time! haha. i dont know why? but i'm super tired...tmr changing seats. i want to change but i'm super picky. i want someone who is "guai" yet still not THAT guai and who is nice! haha. thats only leaves a few people left right? haha. okay i better do work now. i'm seriously TIRED. i didnt even do anything strenuous today... night. bye
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, September 10, 2007
hello.its been a while. was okay in school... did horribly in chem. eeww.guitar.. hmm. we were bored and we 987 DJ called Abi and we did other wuliao stuff! then it was break time! and we went to buy instant noodles. so i take out too early and not enough. i put in again and it overflow. then i took out, some water spill onto my finger and i tilted and it splashed onto my thumb. quite a bit. so i dropped it onto the water cooler. and my whole thumb turned red.. and it was scary. cos my thumb was diff colour from the rest of my hand. eew.. but yea. i was pretty scared but i acted brave lah. so then i went GO with Nice chengjing then apply cream. heh. the staff kept telling me to be careful! hhaa. then zhenling was super nice cos she came to see how i was doing! haha. nice right? then i cant play guitar or write properly now. ouch. haha. luckily its not that red anymore. but those un-red parts still hurt. i think tmr its going to hurt even if its not red. haha. cos its like dunking your finger in hot water. hhaa:P
tonight was REALLLY good. i mean i talked to ahem someone. and shes REEEEEEAAAAAAAALLLLLLYYYYYY NICE. haha. apparently shes been through a lot i've been and actually UNDERSTANDS very well. its like after talking to her, i felt a whole lot better. a WHOLE lot. i haevnt talked to her for a long time but i started telling her stuff like i've known her forever. and in fact it seems as though i haev known her for forever now. haha. she faces a lot i do too! so its pretty cool that we both know how each other feel. haha. both in awkward circumstances. mm. long time since i felt that way. i'm REALLY glad we had that convo. and i've decided i'm going to help her! hehe. in something. not telling you(:
okay so my work stinks but a lot of my troubles that has been bothering me are "light-er" so i guess i can finally concentrate on work for once. i really hope i dont screw up! i've decided that tonight i'm going to pray for our class! haha. so that everyone will do well and no one will be overstressed! i think a lot of us really need that? i mean so what if they're not christians? doesnt mean they cant be blessed! haha.
alright i shall go sleep! haha. night! ps: its short but its cos a lot of my text got auto-deleted! grr. and i lazy retype fully. haha.
♥Bid Farewell
Monday, September 3, 2007 i slept in really late cos my whole family was out! haha. but then my father called my handphone and the vibration woke me up and he was like: why didnt you pick up the house phone? so i crapped up: i was in the toilet! and i doubt he believed me cos i sounded so sleepy. hhaa.ate breakfast and slacked a whole heck lot. hees. then i did stuff and other stuff and practically wasted my day away kay? now stop making me feel guilty! i read the history notes and boy one of that guy has a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG name. haha. and most of the oh-so-wonderful explorers were so cruel! eeyer. and i read through all my hw just didnt do(((:okay my parents keep telling me to work hard and i try. so that when they get my math marks, i wont die! but i'm damn scared. my brother got a heck of a scoldings because of his results. i'm scared i would too. sh!t lah. why am i so damn dumb? i wish i had a smarter brain lah...eeyer. i have only 21 posts!??! haha. so few..))): ohyea. i took this really cool picture of something.. i'll upload tmr kay? cos now no time. parents are buggine me to sleep AGAIN. HAHA:P
alright i'm really bored. resulted in me playing childish games recently. HAHA. dont probe. hees. you dont want to know. haha.
this holiday right. i feel super lonely lah. like whole day so gu1dan1. no one to pei2 wo3 all day. haha. i'll try fix that tmr. ((:
okay i gtg. mum just went into my room. going to scold and yell liao. HAHA. ><
♥Bid Farewell
Sunday, September 2, 2007
esther's meme response. red words are my questions for her... and stef. 1. (the person who tagged you is)
Mahria. [why does everyone spell my name funnily??]
2. (your relationship with him/her is)
Em. Father in law?
3. (5 impressions you have of him/her)
Guitar, sporty, sarcastic, JAMES KELLER, amusing.
4. (the most memorable thing he/she has done for you)
Say that she would try to get to know me better. (did she? *smirk*) [i did! for about a few minutes...okay fine i didnt.]
5. (the most memorable words he/she has said to you)
Esther, you look so hot! [why are my most memoriable words always something about them looking good?]6. (if he/she becomes your lover, you will)
*flinch* Lesbian. 7. (if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be)
THINK MORE. Hee. Observe people. And read my mind. [last time i thought with you, my brain DIED.]8. (if he/she becomes your enemy, you will)
Cry, poke her and hide in a corner. [whats with you guys and violence? must EVERYONE inflict pain on me if i become your enemy?]9. (if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be)
I teased her about her love for whasshisname, Jeremy? And I thought too much. 10. (the most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is)
Make her the best in everything so she doesn’t have to be sad too. J 11. (your overall impression of him/her is)
Amusing, terribly lame, frank, and sweet. Hee. Now don’t kill me, you ARE.
♥Bid Farewell
Minister aka MariaThank you all for taking the time and making the effort to be here today on this very special occasion.We are gathered here in this place to witness and celebrate the joining of Rachel and Lim in name. Please join hands with the people around you [even if you have to grow more.] for a moment of silence to appreciate our community of friends and family here in both body and spirit and to take joy in this event.-------------3 secs of silence cos i cant wait any longer...--------------------
Thank you. I will take some time now to speak to you about a name and what it means to Rachel and Lim.
A name is a 3-year contract with a mental institution where they keep vultures that survive in many forms. A name has long been one of the features of civilization that are sponsoring the idea that civilization should decline. A name is an expression of optical shop.
The concept of a name belongs to the worlds’ evolving. When words join, they embrace the idea of a name.
Naming fulfills an important set of social roles. The joined words are the seed of a tree, rich with fruits. The life-long commitment of being a name provides a source of stability in the chaotic kindergarten.
The concept of naming is widely recognized as two names becoming 1. Thus, each name is different and new. As the words participating in this joining ceremony are unique, their meaning shall be too. Naming is an act of creating a new name and us witnesses can experience the joy and responsibility of acknowledging and embracing the name.
Naming is more than just an acknowledgement of existing love. In naming, people exercise regularly according to their will. Two words may come together and come to love each other by chance, but when they join, every day thereafter they must stay together and continue to love one another.
A element comes into a play whenever it becomes an actor, to which the name is tied into a dead knot. Naming connects the two words into a longer word. Naming requires faith in each other and in the unknown glue.
Being in love and choosing to join is like eating a cookie: it requires constant chewing and munching and will release a chocolaty, crunchy taste. But naming is harder than any cookie. Naming is more like swallowing a jar after jar of cookies. Over time you become more full and less hungry and in the end, puke.
I do.
I do.
Minister aka Maria
You may now smear the glue.
this is not supposed to make sense! so dont come asking me for the meaning of this...
♥Bid Farewell
okayokay! stop the bugging! i'm going crazzzyyyyyy! haha.
1. (the person who tagged you is)
none other than the wonderful, marvellous, blahblah,etc,etc stefanie. esther. rain.
2. (your relationship with him/her is)
classmate and goodfriend! daughter-in-law. >< GOODGOODGOODFRIEND! ex-classmate. school-mate.
3. (5 impressions you have of him/her)
ohno! thats hard.. erm..
sings well.loves to at languages.sensitive to the name j*****.cant appreciate lame-ness!
pro dancer. loves thinking toooooo much. pro at writing. good listener.shy.friendly. funny. crazy. nice. devoted christian!!!!!!!!
4. (the most memorable thing he/she has done for you)
hmm. that is HARD. *gets boxed in the head* ouch.
too many to remember!
i was pretty moody and upset about something and she like listened to my complains. it was only a short while but trust me it meant A LOT. thanks esther! 3 years with her! you want me to pick only 1 thing?!
5. (the most memorable words he/she has said to you)
everything she says is memorable to me... [background: awwwww.]
"maria do we have to do history FA?" or "i got the inspiration for your birthday story last night!" choose one(:
nah it was: "f course I understand" and "i'll be with you in spirit!" her words are all memorable. ahem in different ways..
6. (if he/she becomes your lover, you will)
scream and jump off a building cos no way am i being les!
divorce? haha. drink acid:P marry her too!
7. (if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be)
LESS EGO! haha. hey thats pretty true kay :P
think less and preserve her brain. she has to become a guy. i dont care how((:
8. (if he/she becomes your enemy, you will)
avoid her or smack her...[i prefer the smacking. hehe.] so anyone out there is an enemy of mine? torture her son! HAHA. OR avoid her cos shes too nice to smack. off but if i miss her constant laughter, make up with her again!
9. (if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be)
cos i said she wasnt chio. HAHA. cos i burned up all her books, crashed her computer by sending virus, destroyed all the writing pieces she was working on and sent a crap article to the teacher-in-charge of tribune under her name. cos i did something REALLLLLLYYYYY mean to her.
10. (the most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is)
help her realize that she should take up one of my suggested future jobs and be rich!buy her the book "Thinking for dummies" help her shake off her s****er
11. (your overall impression of him/her is)
EGO, HIGH BUT NICE. haha. sympathetic and nice! future counsellor(: over-friendly but nice:P
12. (how you think people around you will feel about you)
irresponsible slacker!
13. (the characteristic you love about yourself is)
i love the fact that i am ME. i mean what more can you ask for? [dont answer that.]
14. (on the contrary, the characteristic you hate about yourself is)
stupid time management problems and my un-smart brain.
15. (the most ideal person you want to be is)
me! how many times must i say that i am THE ideal person? >< 16. (for people that care and like you, say something to them)
thanks a lot! cos you know that this year i've been pretty emo at times and sorry for dragging you into my depression zone! haha. <3>
17. (pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you)(you cant choose not to do it xD and if you've done it already duh don't need to do it again.)
[in NO order!]
1. stef! [muahaha. even though you already did it....]
2. rachel lim!
3. huimin!
4. rain!
5. claw!
6. rachael!
7. alisa!
8. esther!
9. tiffany!
10. yifeng!
(who is no.6 having relationship with? [rachael]
erm.. stef! you can see them together 24/7 lah! haha.
(Is no.9 a male or female? [tiffany]
half-half lah.
who sells insurance? i'll like to buy. i wont survive past recess when school reopens...
(If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? [alisa&yifeng])
usually i wont go eww. but its alisa! anything is possible... [and yes it will be!]
(What is no.2 studying about? [rachel])
the art of how to be ego and get people to agree
(When was the last time you had a chat with no.3? [huimin]
i guess today? just a few hours ago. [a few is an understatement.]
(What kind of music does no.8 like? [esther]
thinking music. musics that causes your brain to think. haha. XD
(Does no.1 have any siblings? [stef]
1 bro that likes watching terrorist movies.. and her imaginary sister Fanny.
(Will you woo no.3? [huimin]
i HIGHLY doubt it. once again i emphasize I'M STRAIGHT!
(How about no.7? [alisa])
NO WAY! do you know who you are talking about?!??!
(Is no.4 single? [rain])
NO. dont listen to her protests. XD
(What's the surname of no.5? [claw])
(What's the name of no.10? [yifeng])
jin yifeng
(What's the hobby of no.4? [rain])
going around saying hi to random ppl. haha. (:
(Do no.5 and 9 get along well? [claw, tiffany])
i think so. i hope so. [but not for long.. KIDDING]
(Where is no.2 studying at? [rachel])
Uncle Bert's hotdog stand sec sch? kay fine. rgs.
(Say something casual about no.1 [stef])
persistant, impatient girl who cant wait a sec for this post! haha. kidding.
shes.. a girl. ((:
(Have you tried developing feelings for no.8? [esther])
i've never TRIED to develop feelings! i'm no despo can? and esther?! i cant spend more than 5min THINKING!
(Where does no.9 live? [tiffany])
girls' home. i mean boys' home. i mean both. fine. mental hospital?
(What colour does no.4 like? [rain])
i have no idea... ohno. every colour? *cast a hopeful glance*
(Are no.5 and 1 best friends? [claw,stef])
duh no! dont be crazy...
(Does no.7 like no.2? [alisa,rachel lim])
DUH! alisa likes almost everyone alive!
(How did you get to know no.2? [rachel lim])
class! she was the first person to say hi! yay.
(Does no.1 have any pets? [stef])
yupp! herself. i mean her imaginary pet Bob.
(Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world? [alisa])
cos not! although i THINK shes hopes so. HHEE. shes going to kick my shin...
♥Bid Farewell